1 comentario:

  1. Anda! Que guay! Por cierto, una pequeña corrección del título en inglés:
    Born in Albacete (Spain) on 10/02/1976. He works as an artist, scientist and paleo-illustrator since 1992. His works have been published in many magazines and books, and he has collaborated with museums and institutions of environ-mental nature.


Angel Ramón Moya

Nacido en Albacete (España) el 10/02/1976.

Trabaja como artista, ilustrador científico y

paleó ilustrador desde 1992. Sus obras han

sido publicadas en diversidad de revistas y

libros, y ha colaborado con museos y entidades

de índole medio-ambiental.

"Born in Albacete (Spain) on 10/02/1976.
He works as an artist, scientific and paleo-illustrator
since 1992. His works have been published in many
magazines and books,and he has collaborated with
museums and institutions of environmental nature."